In today’s interconnected world, making an international phone call is a common occurrence, whether it’s for business, travel, or keeping in touch with friends and family abroad. At the heart of this global communication are country calling codes – unique telephone dial prefixes assigned to each country. These codes are essential for routing calls to their intended destinations across different nations and regions. This article delves into the intricacies of country calling codes, their significance, and how they work.
Steps for Making an International Call
- Dial the International Direct Dialing (IDD) Code: The IDD code is the prefix needed to dial out of a country. For the United Kingdom, this code is
. - Dial the Country Calling Code: Next, the caller needs to dial the country code of the destination country. For Australia, the country code is
. - Dial the Area Code: After the country code, the caller should dial the area code for the specific region within the country they are calling. For Sydney, the area code is
. It’s important to note that when dialing internationally, the leading zero in the area code is usually omitted. - Dial the Local Telephone Number: Finally, the caller dials the local telephone number. Let’s say the Sydney number is
1234 5678
Putting It All Together:
So, if our UK caller is dialing Sydney, Australia, the sequence of numbers they would dial is:
(IDD code for UK) + 61
(country code for Australia) + 2
(area code for Sydney, without the leading zero) + 1234 5678
(local Sydney number).
The complete dialing sequence would look like this: 00-61-2-1234 5678
Important Tips:
- Always check for any specific dialing instructions related to the service provider, as some might have different requirements.
- Be aware of time zone differences to avoid calling at inappropriate hours.
- International calls can be expensive; it’s advisable to check the rates with the telephone service provider or consider alternative methods like VoIP services for cheaper rates.
This example illustrates the process of using country calling codes and the necessary steps to connect an international call from the United Kingdom to Australia.
List of all country calling codes
Country | Country Code | ISO Codes | Exit Prefix (IDD) | Area km² |
Afghanistan | 93 | AF / AFG | 00 | 647.500 |
Albania | 355 | AL / ALB | 00 | 28.748 |
Algeria | 213 | DZ / DZA | 00 | 2.381.740 |
Aland Islands | 358 18 | AX / ALA | 00 | 1.580 |
American Samoa | 1-684 | AS / ASM | 011 | 199 |
Andorra | 376 | AD / AND | 00 | 468 |
Angola | 244 | AO / AGO | 00 | 1.246.700 |
Anguilla | 1-264 | AI / AIA | 011 | 102 |
Antarctica | 672 | AQ / ATA | 00 | 14.000.000 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1-268 | AG / ATG | 011 | 443 |
Argentina | 54 | AR / ARG | 00 | 2.766.890 |
Armenia | 374 | AM / ARM | 00 | 29.800 |
Aruba | 297 | AW / ABW | 00 | 193 |
Australia | 61 | AU / AUS | 0011 | 7.686.850 |
Austria | 43 | AT / AUT | 00 | 83.858 |
Azerbaijan | 994 | AZ / AZE | 00 | 86.600 |
Bahamas | 1-242 | BS / BHS | 011 | 13.940 |
Bahrain | 973 | BH / BHR | 00 | 665 |
Bangladesh | 880 | BD / BGD | 00 | 144.000 |
Barbados | 1-246 | BB / BRB | 011 | 431 |
Belarus | 375 | BY / BLR | 810 | 207.600 |
Belgium | 32 | BE / BEL | 00 | 30.510 |
Belize | 501 | BZ / BLZ | 00 | 22.966 |
Benin | 229 | BJ / BEN | 00 | 112.620 |
Bermuda | 1-441 | BM / BMU | 011 | 53 |
Bhutan | 975 | BT / BTN | 00 | 47.000 |
Bolivia | 591 | BO / BOL | 00 | 1.098.580 |
Bosnia | 387 | BA / BHI | 00 | 51.209 |
Botswana | 267 | BW / BWA | 00 | 600.370 |
Brazil | 55 | BR / BRA | 00 | 8.511.965 |
British Indian Ocean Territory | 246 | IO / IOT | 00 | 60 |
British Virgin Islands | 1-284 | VG / VGB | 011 | 153 |
Brunei | 673 | BN / BRN | 00 | 5.770 |
Bulgaria | 359 | BG / BGR | 00 | 110.910 |
Burkina Faso | 226 | BF / BFA | 00 | 274.200 |
Burundi | 257 | BI / BDI | 00 | 27.830 |
Cambodia | 855 | KH / KHM | 001, 007 | 181.040 |
Croatia | 385 | HR / HRV | 00 | 56.594 |
Cameroon | 237 | CM / CMR | 00 | 475.440 |
Canada | 1 | CA / CAN | 011 | 9.984.670 |
Cape Verde | 238 | CV / CPV | 00 | 4.033 |
Cayman Islands | 1-345 | KY / CYM | 011 | 262 |
Central African Republic | 236 | CF / CAF | 011 | 622.984 |
Chad | 235 | TD / TCD | 00 | 1.284.000 |
Chile | 56 | CL / CHL | 1xx0 | 756.950 |
China | 86 | CN / CHN | 00 | 9.596.960 |
Christmas Island | 61 | CX / CXR | 00 | 135 |
Cocos Islands | 61 | CC / CCK | 0011 | 14 |
Colombia | 57 | CO / COL | 009, 007, 005 | 1.138.910 |
Comoros | 269 | KM / COM | 00 | 2.170 |
Costa Rica | 506 | CR / CRI | 00 | 51.100 |
Cuba | 53 | CU / CUB | 119 | 110.860 |
Curacao | 599 | CW / CUW | 00 | 444 |
Cyprus | 357 | CY / CYP | 00 | 9.250 |
Czech Republic | 420 | CZ / CZE | 00 | 78.866 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 243 | CD / COD | 00 | 2.345.410 |
Denmark | 45 | DK / DNK | 00 | 43.094 |
Djibouti | 253 | DJ / DJI | 00 | 23.000 |
Dominica | 1-767 | DM / DMA | 011 | 754 |
Dominican Republic | 1-809, 1-829, 1-849 | DO / DOM | 011 | 48.730 |
East Timor | 670 | TL / TLS | 00 | 15.007 |
Ecuador | 593 | EC / ECU | 00 | 283.560 |
Egypt | 20 | EG / EGY | 00 | 1.001.450 |
El Salvador | 503 | SV / SLV | 00 | 21.040 |
Equatorial Guinea | 240 | GQ / GNQ | 00 | 28.051 |
Eritrea | 291 | ER / ERI | 00 | 121.320 |
Estonia | 372 | EE / EST | 00 | 45.226 |
Ethiopia | 251 | ET / ETH | 00 | 1.127.127 |
Eswatini | 268 | SZ /SWZ | 00 | 17.364 |
Falkland Islands | 500 | FK / FLK | 00 | 12.173 |
Faroe Islands | 298 | FO / FRO | 00 | 1.399 |
Fiji | 679 | FJ / FJI | 00 | 18.270 |
Finland | 358 | FI / FIN | 00, 99x, 99xx, 99xxx | 337.030 |
France | 33 | FR / FRA | 00 | 547.030 |
French Polynesia | 689 | PF / PYF | 00 | 4.167 |
French Guiana | 594 | GF / GUF | 00 | 84.000 |
Gabon | 241 | GA / GAB | 00 | 267.667 |
Gambia | 220 | GM / GMB | 00 | 11.300 |
Georgia | 995 | GE / GEO | 00 | 69.700 |
Germany | 49 | DE / DEU | 00 | 357.021 |
Ghana | 233 | GH / GHA | 00 | 239.460 |
Gibraltar | 350 | GI / GIB | 00 | 7 |
Greece | 30 | GR / GRC | 00 | 131.940 |
Greenland | 299 | GL / GRL | 00 | 2.166.086 |
Grenada | 1-473 | GD / GRD | 011 | 344 |
Guam | 1-671 | GU / GUM | 011 | 549 |
Guatemala | 502 | GT / GTM | 00 | 108.890 |
Guernsey | 44-1481 | GG / GGY | 00 | 78 |
Guadeloupe | 590 | GP / GUAM | 00 | 1.628 |
Guernsey | 44 | GG / GGY | 00 | 62 |
Guinea-Bissau | 245 | GW / GNB | 00 | 36.125 |
Guyana | 592 | GY / GUY | 001 | 214.969 |
Haiti | 509 | HT / HTI | 00 | 27.750 |
Honduras | 504 | HN / HND | 00 | 112.090 |
Hong Kong | 852 | HK / HKG | 001 | 1.092 |
Hungary | 36 | HU / HUN | 00 | 93.030 |
Iceland | 354 | IS / ISL | 00 | 103.000 |
India | 91 | IN / IND | 00 | 3.287.590 |
Iraq | 964 | IQ / IRQ | 00 | 437.072 |
Iraq | 964 | IQ / IRQ | 00 | 437.072 |
Ireland | 353 | IE / IRL | 00 | 70.280 |
Isle of Man | 44-1624 | IM / IMN | 00 | 572 |
Israel | 972 | IL / ISR | 00, 012 - 019 | 20.770 |
Italy | 39 | IT / ITA | 00 | 301.230 |
Ivory Coast | 225 | CI / CIV | 00 | 322.460 |
Jamaica | 1-876 | JM / JAM | 011 | 10.991 |
Japan | 81 | JP / JPN | 010 | 377.835 |
Jersey | 44-1534 | JE / JEY | 00 | 116 |
Jordan | 962 | JO / JOR | 00 | 92.300 |
Kazakhstan | 7 | KZ / KAZ | 810 | 2.717.300 |
Kenya | 254 | KE / KEN | 000 | 582.650 |
Kiribati | 686 | KI / KIR | 00 | 811 |
Kosovo | 383 | XK / XKX | 00 | 10.887 |
Kuwait | 965 | KW / KWT | 00 | 17.820 |
Kyrgyzstan | 996 | KG / KGZ | 0 | 198.500 |
Laos | 856 | LA / LAO | 00 | 236.800 |
Latvia | 371 | LV / LVA | 00 | 64.589 |
Lebanon | 961 | LB / LBN | 00 | 10.400 |
Lesotho | 266 | LS / LSO | 00 | 30.355 |
Liberia | 231 | LR / LBR | 00 | 111.370 |
Libya | 218 | LY / LBY | 00 | 1.759.540 |
Liechtenstein | 423 | LI / LIE | 00 | 160 |
Lithuania | 370 | LT / LTU | 00 | 65.200 |
Luxembourg | 352 | LU / LUX | 00 | 2.586 |
Macau | 853 | MO / MAC | 00 | 254 |
Macedonia | 389 | MK / MKD | 00 | 25.333 |
Madagascar | 261 | MG / MDG | 00 | 587.040 |
Malawi | 265 | MW / MWI | 00 | 118.480 |
Malaysia | 60 | MY / MYS | 00 | 329.750 |
Maldives | 960 | MV / MDV | 00 | 300 |
Mali | 223 | ML / MLI | 00 | 1.240.000 |
Malta | 356 | MT / MLT | 00 | 316 |
Marshall Islands | 692 | MH / MHL | 011 | 181 |
Mauritania | 222 | MR / MRT | 00 | 1.030.700 |
Martinique | 596 | MQ / MTQ | 00 | 1.128 |
Mauritius | 230 | MU / MUS | 00 | 2.040 |
Mayotte | 262 | YT / MYT | 00 | 374 |
Mexico | 52 | MX / MEX | 00 | 1.972.550 |
Micronesia | 691 | FM / FSM | 011 | 702 |
Moldova | 373 | MD / MDA | 00 | 33.843 |
Monaco | 377 | MC / MCO | 00 | 2 |
Mongolia | 976 | MN / MNG | 001 | 1.565.000 |
Montenegro | 382 | ME / MNE | 00 | 14.026 |
Montserrat | 1-664 | MS / MSR | 011 | 102 |
Morocco | 212 | MA / MAR | 00 | 446.550 |
Mozambique | 258 | MZ / MOZ | 00 | 801.590 |
Myanmar | 95 | MM / MMR | 00 | 678.500 |
Namibia | 264 | NA / NAM | 00 | 825.418 |
Nauru | 674 | NR / NRU | 00 | 21 |
Nepal | 977 | NP / NPL | 00 | 140.800 |
Netherlands | 31 | NL / NLD | 00 | 41.526 |
Netherlands Antilles | 599 | AN / ANT | 011 | 960 |
New Caledonia | 687 | NC / NCL | 00 | 19.060 |
New Zealand | 64 | NZ / NZL | 00 | 268.680 |
Nicaragua | 505 | NI / NIC | 00 | 129.494 |
Niger | 227 | NE / NER | 00 | 1.267.000 |
Nigeria | 234 | NG / NGA | 009 | 923.768 |
Niue | 683 | NU / NIU | 00 | 260 |
North Korea | 850 | KP / PRK | 00 | 120.540 |
Northern Mariana Islands | 1-670 | MP / MNP | 011 | 477 |
Norway | 47 | NO / NOR | 00 | 324.220 |
Oman | 968 | OM / OMN | 00 | 212.460 |
Pakistan | 92 | PK / PAK | 00 | 803.940 |
Palau | 680 | PW / PLW | 011 | 458 |
Palestine | 970 | PS / PSE | 00 | 5.970 |
Panama | 507 | PA / PAN | 00 | 78.200 |
Papua New Guinea | 675 | PG / PNG | 00 | 462.840 |
Paraguay | 592 | PY / PRY | 00 | 406.750 |
Peru | 51 | PE / PER | 00 | 1.285.220 |
Philippines | 63 | PH / PHL | 00 | 300.000 |
Pitcairn | 64 | PN / PCN | 00 | 47 |
Poland | 48 | PL / POL | 00 | 312.685 |
Portugal | 351 | PT / PRT | 00 | 92.391 |
Puerto Rico | 1-787, 1-939 | PR / PRI | 011 | 9.104 |
Qatar | 974 | QA / QAT | 00 | 11.437 |
Republic of the Congo | 242 | CG / COG | 00 | 342.000 |
Reunion | 262 | RE / REU | 00 | 2.517 |
Romania | 40 | RO / ROU | 00 | 237.500 |
Russia | 7 | RU / RUS | 810 | 17.100.000 |
Rwanda | 250 | RW / RWA | 00 | 26.338 |
Saint Barthelemy | 590 | BL / BLM | 00 | 21 |
Saba | 599 4 | BQ / BES | 00 | 13 |
Saint Helena | 290 | SH / SHN | 00 | 410 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 1-869 | KN / KNA | 011 | 261 |
Saint Lucia | 1-758 | LC / LCA | 011 | 616 |
Saint Martin | 590 | MF / MAF | 00 | 53 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 508 | PM / SPM | 00 | 242 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1-784 | VC / VCT | 011 | 389 |
Samoa | 685 | WS / WSM | 0 | 2.944 |
San Marino | 378 | SM / SMR | 00 | 61 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 239 | ST / STP | 00 | 1.001 |
Saudi Arabia | 966 | SA / SAU | 00 | 1.960.582 |
Senegal | 221 | SN / SEN | 00 | 196.190 |
Serbia | 381 | RS / SRB | 00 | 88.361 |
Seychelles | 248 | SC / SYC | 00 | 455 |
Sierra Leone | 232 | SL / SLE | 00 | 71.740 |
Singapore | 65 | SG / SGP | 001, 008 | 693 |
Sint Maarten | 1-721 | SX / SXM | 011 | 34 |
Slovakia | 421 | SK / SVK | 00 | 48.845 |
Slovenia | 386 | SI / SVN | 00 | 20.273 |
Solomon Islands | 677 | SB / SLB | 00 | 28.450 |
Somalia | 252 | SO / SOM | 00 | 637.657 |
South Africa | 27 | ZA / ZAF | 00 | 1.219.912 |
South Korea | 82 | KR / KOR | 001, 002, 005, 006, 008, 003xx, 007xx | 98.480 |
South Georgia Islands | 500 | GS / SGS | 011 | 3.528 |
South Sudan | 211 | SS / SSD | 00 | 644.329 |
Spain | 34 | ES / ESP | 00 | 504.782 |
Sri Lanka | 94 | LK / LKA | 00 | 65.610 |
Sudan | 249 | SD / SDN | 00 | 1.861.484 |
Suriname | 597 | SR / SUR | 00 | 163.270 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 47 | SJ / SJM | 00 | 62.049 |
Swaziland | 268 | SZ / SWZ | 0 | 17.363 |
Sweden | 46 | SE / SWE | 00 | 449.964 |
Switzerland | 41 | CH / CHE | 00 | 41.290 |
Syria | 963 | SY / SYR | 00 | 185.180 |
Taiwan | 886 | TW / TWN | 002, 005, 006, 007, 009 | 35.980 |
Tajikistan | 992 | TJ / TJK | 810 | 143.100 |
Tanzania | 255 | TZ / TZA | 000 | 945.087 |
Thailand | 66 | TH / THA | 001 | 514.000 |
Togo | 228 | TG / TGO | 00 | 56.785 |
Tokelau | 690 | TK / TKL | 00 | 10 |
Tonga | 676 | TO / TON | 00 | 748 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 1-868 | TT / TTO | 011 | 5.128 |
Tunisia | 216 | TN / TUN | 00 | 163.610 |
Turkey | 90 | TR / TUR | 00 | 780.580 |
Turkmenistan | 993 | TM / TKM | 810 | 488.100 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 1-649 | TC / TCA | 011 | 430 |
Tuvalu | 688 | TV / TUV | 00 | 26 |
Tristan da Cunha | 290 8 | TA / TAA | 00 | 207 |
Timor-Leste | 670 | TL /TLS | 00 | 15.006 |
U.S. Virgin Islands | 1-340 | VI / VIR | 011 | 352 |
Uganda | 256 | UG / UGA | 000 | 236.040 |
Ukraine | 380 | UA / UKR | 00 | 603.700 |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | AE / ARE | 00 | 82.880 |
United Kingdom | 44 | GB / GBR | 00 | 244.820 |
United States | 1 | US / USA | 011 | 9.629.091 |
Uruguay | 598 | UY / URY | 00 | 176.220 |
Uzbekistan | 998 | UZ / UZB | 810 | 447.400 |
Vanuatu | 678 | VU / VUT | 00 | 12.200 |
Vatican | 379 | VA / VAT | 00 | 0 |
Venezuela | 58 | VE / VEN | 00 | 912.050 |
Vietnam | 84 | VN / VNM | 00 | 329.560 |
Wallis and Futuna | 681 | WF / WLF | 00 | 274 |
Western Sahara | 212 | EH / ESH | 00 | 266.000 |
Yemen | 967 | YE / YEM | 00 | 527.970 |
Zambia | 260 | ZM / ZMB | 00 | 752.614 |
Zimbabwe | 263 | ZW / ZWE | 00 | 390.580 |
What are Country Calling Codes?
Country calling codes, also known as international dialing codes or ISD codes, are part of the international telephone numbering plan. They are the first numbers dialed when making an international call. Each country or geographic area has a specific set of digits that must be dialed before the national telephone number. For instance, +1 is the country code for the United States and Canada, +44 for the United Kingdom, and +91 for India.
The Structure of Country Calling Codes
The structure of these codes is overseen by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations. The codes typically consist of one to three digits. The world is divided into zones:
- Zone 1: North American Numbering Plan Area (includes countries like the USA, Canada)
- Zone 2: Mostly Africa
- Zones 3 & 4: Europe
- Zones 5 & 6: Asia and the Middle East
- Zone 7: Russia and its neighboring countries
- Zone 8: East Asia and Special Services
- Zone 9: Central, South, and West Asia
How Country Calling Codes are Assigned
The ITU assigns codes based on several factors, including geographical considerations and existing dialing patterns. Larger countries and those with more telephone traffic generally have shorter codes. For example, +1 for the United States and +7 for Russia. Smaller or less populated countries typically have longer codes, like +506 for Costa Rica or +679 for Fiji.
The Role of Country Calling Codes in International Dialing
To make an international call, one must first dial the international dialing prefix, which varies depending on the country from which the call is made. For example, in many European countries, the prefix is 00, while in the USA and Canada, it is 011. Then, the caller dials the country code of the destination country, followed by the national telephone number. For instance, if someone in the United States wants to call a number in the United Kingdom, they would dial 011 (the international dialing prefix), then 44 (the country code for the United Kingdom), and finally the local phone number. For example, if the British number is 020 1234 5678, the complete dialing sequence would be 011-44-20-1234-5678.
It’s important to note that when making international calls, the leading zero in the area code is usually omitted. Therefore, the area code 020 for London becomes simply 20 in the international dialing sequence.